"You should get married" was the title of Pastor Michael's lesson and a phrase he repeated roughly ten times throughout the evening. Going into the retreat I knew the topic of the lessons was going to be on singleness and marriage but thinking back I had no idea what in store for us other next few days. The first question Pastor Michael asked was if any of us new with a good deal of certainty that we were called to a life-long, radical singleness (the gift of celibacy 1 Corinthians 7). This was a pretty easy answer for me. Let's face it, I've been dreaming about the pretty white dress and saying "I do" for as long as I can remember. However, his next comment was something I have never thought of before and actually sent goosebumps up my arms. "Marriage is our created design." Wow! I was created created by God to get married! What an amazingly wonderful and fearful thought. Women were created to compliment men. I was created to COMPLETE another person! I know it sounds like I am totally belaboring the point but this is some pretty heavy stuff!! When I get married, that man, my husband, will be the completion of my design in all of creation! Ever since I was a child I knew my chief end is to glorify God but I had never fully pondered that by fulfilling my role n the marriage picture as the helpmate thereby symbolizing the church's submissive role in her union with Christ will indeed bring glory to the Author of this beautiful picture and the Groom of it's subsequent reality Himself! What a mighty, awesome, all-wise, all-wonderful God we serve!! I am unworthy of His amazing and favor! Going back to the lesson, Pastor Michael pointed out that in the creation account in Genesis 1-2 there is only one time when God says something is NOT good.
"Then the LORD God said 'It is not good that the man should be alone; I will make him a helper fit for him.'" Genesis 2:18
Marriage is good in God's eyes and should thus be fervently sought by believers! What an amazing week and I am so excited about continuing to unpack there Truths, with God's leading and guiding, in my own heart and life!
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